Hello and welcome or as they say in Romania, “Bună ziua și bun venit”

Our Vision

We exists to provide support to local pastors in Romania as well as assisting groups and events as they work to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Helping Spread the Gospel in Romania


Pastors Conference 2017

God has always been faithful in training up His people. In October 2017, Dr. Dan Marshall from Faith Bible Church led a pastors conference for the Romanian pastors. God used Dan to spiritually feed & reinvigorate the shepherds who are leading many of Romania’s churches.

Summer Camp 2016

A team from Faith Bible Church was called to come to Romania in late July 2016 to help put on a sports camp in the mountains of Romania. Restore Romania needs more faithful servants of God who are willing to help put on events in Romania that will help the young people of Romania draw closer to the Lord.

Summer Camp 2015

Restore Romania was involved in a summer camp in the mountains or Padis, Romania. One hundred and thirty youth were educated on how Jesus is represented in each book of the Bible. They were taught scripture from Genesis to Revelation and experienced the transformative power of the gospel message.

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